
Nerello Mascalese red wine from Italy

  • 750ml

A beautiful fruity red wine with an alcoholic note that harmonizes with the elegant and silky tannins. On the nose, notes of red fruits, cherry, rose and violet will delight you.

  • Grape varietyNerello Mascalese
  • Country of originItaly
  • Degree of alcohol13%

Culinary Association

A perfect accompaniment to pasta with tomato sauce or a margherita pizza. A real treat with a platter of antipasti.

A little more about the Nerello mascalese Stefano wine

Discover the Nerello Mascalese grape variety

Nerello mascalese is a fruity grape variety without heaviness. With its silky tannins, it is elegant and easy to drink.

Certified by ECOCERT Canada

Arista trusted ECOCERT for the organic certification of its Italian Stefano wines.

Committed for more than 25 years to organic farming with Garantie Bio, Ecocert has become the benchmark for organic certification in Canada.


Vegan mention

The Vegan mention indicates a product that contains no eggs, no dairy products, no products that come directly from animals, etc. For a vegan wine, indicates that the protein used during fining of the wine, during fermentation, in order to attract the remaining yeasts, is a plant-based protein, like peas.

Food and winre pairings with the Stefano Nerello mascalese

Baked camembert with figs and balsamic vinegar


Italian-style pork ribs


Mini meatballs sliders



At the following locations